GULL Pathway to Holistic Development

In affiliation with the Global University for Lifelong Learning (GULL), supported by the UFS, an entrepreneurial pathway for holistic learning and development has been established to allow residents at Bloemshelter to reach personal and professional viability, thereby moving from dependence to interdependence and to re-enter the community as a person who can sustain themselves and cascade the process further into society at large.

What skills and resources were you able to draw from the community for this project?

This project has established a platform for the merging of research, multidisciplinary academic service-learning and self-directed action learning, to bring forth professional education - which in turn can address inclusion of all areas related to the world of work (from public sector, civic organisations, workplace e.g. enterprises, businesses and industry, as well as more extensive networks in the community and larger global society). Service-learning students and community members gain experience through participation in learning activities, and through reflection also learn and develop in a holistic, inclusive and integrated manner. Learn how to network; collaborate; critically reflect; coordinate; work in a team; learn life skills; mentorship; leadership; spiritual development; entrepreneurship development; moral, ethical and character development.

The challenges

The world needed an active, holistic, inclusive global system for recognising and certifying lifelong learning. Why? Because the majority have few options to enable them to learn and develop. Most do not have the academic qualifications or the money to enter further or higher education. Given the opportunity, GULL believes that each of us has the innate capacity to learn what we need to learn to lead a more fulfilling life. GULL’s purpose then is to facilitate human capital development by innovative means – dependent not on technology or standard educational methods, but the human spirit.

Addressing the challenges

GULL enables participants to make a difference in the world. GULL’s practical approach to personal and professional development uses lifelong action learning to help individuals, communities and organisations to sustain learning and apply the outcomes. GULL enables its affiliated organisations to recognise the individual and collective efforts of those who are causing positive change in communities and the workplace, through the application of the action learning process. GULL pathways are not dependent on rich resourcing. It focuses on the determination of the human spirit. GULL participant must determine what they need to learn. They journey with others to secure practical and professional outcomes, leading to significant benefits like growth in individual self-esteem and confidence. Participants also pass on their action learning expertise to others, cascading into the broader community.

The achievements

Last year 15 participants received Level 2 Certificates for reaching outcomes on the learning pathway. This year they received Level 5 Diplomas. Further, the first group of practitioners trained this years’ seven new participants who received Level 2 Certificates for Holistic Development. Residents are now generating income for themselves and the Shelter. They held two big markets and festivals. They also assisted at two mini rural learning festivals, where they shared their skills with other community members. For the first time in five years, shelter is making a profit, not only relying on donations, and are moving from Non-Profit Organisation to Social Enterprise.