Akohlulwa Projects

We are 3 directors , project is led by women , we are doing construction work , from the foundation to the roof of a building, we also do supply and installation , Horticulture , renovations , tilling, cleaning services, plastering, ceiling .

What skills and resources were you able to draw from the community for this project?

brick layers , plasters , tilers , plumbers

The challenges

It's very difficult for women as construction is perceived to be a male industry , so you get some places where we are undermined because of our gender , but we don't let that get to us , as our name clear says " we can't be defeated "

Addressing the challenges

We manage to provide families with descent accommodation , Futhermore we are proud to say that we had a hand in building Wesfluer Primary school in Atlantis Cape town , where most of the kids in Atlantis are attending, the project was a great success

The achievements

Built 20 houses for the community , We were part of the contractor that built Wesfluer Primary school , we also Built city of cape town city parks tables and chairs