BS Joinery & Timbers

We have a collaborative approach towards designing and making functional furniture from discarded wooden pallets. These wooden pallets are discarded once it has been used for transporting goods such as bricks etc.This studio is a self-sustaining social enterprise which was registered in 2016. The enterprise employs and trains young men in the mastery of woodwork. The aim is to upskill unschooled or unemployed youth. This happens in a sustainable business environment.

What skills and resources were you able to draw from the community for this project?

The community provided the human resource for this project -- in terms of the unemployed youth. And the Simbiosis Project is providing the space to do the building of furniture and the development of the youth.

The challenges

Challenge is the fact that the youth in Atlantis are often unskilled nd unemployed and the aim is to upskill and employ local young men.

Addressing the challenges

It has created an opportunity for many young unemployed men.

The achievements

We have been able to create a market for these pieces of furniture built from discarded pallets.